www.SickofLawsuits.org Health Hazard Alert:
Personal Injury Lawyer Advertising Hazardous to Your Health

Urge the FTC to Require Stricter Guidelines Now!

August 26, 2005 - Washington D.C. - Personal injury lawyer ads are everywhere urging people to sue doctors, drug companies and hospitals as a way to win big money. What the ads don't say is that these types of frivolous lawsuits can threaten the healthcare we depend upon and leave consumers with reduced access to care, rising healthcare costs and reduced medical innovation.

Personal injury lawyer advertisements often use misleading, inflammatory and baseless claims that can confuse consumers and scare them into thinking they have been harmed. In Texas alone, more than 75 percent of those surveyed believe that personal injury lawyer advertising encourages people to sue even if they have not been injured. Personal injury lawyers should not be allowed to scare and mislead consumers with sensationalism and half-truths. Advertising for other industries must include disclaimers and be factual. Personal injury lawyers should be held to the same standard.

Write a letter urging the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to pursue stricter guidelines on personal injury lawyer advertising by visiting www.sickoflawsuits.org.

Sick of Lawsuits is a nonpartisan, grassroots campaign of Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse. We have more than 165,000 supporters across the country including doctors, healthcare professionals, small business owners, attorneys and people from every walk of life.


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Sick of Lawsuits' new television commercial, "Tango," highlights the partnership between some personal injury lawyers and so-called expert witnesses hired to manufacture junk science to prop up junk lawsuits.

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