Help Card
 Top Referring Sites Help

This page identifies the domain names and numeric IP addresses that refer visitors to your site. This information will be displayed only if your server is logging this information.

Help Card
 Top Referring URLs Help

This page provides the full URLs of the sites with links to your site. This information will only be displayed if your server is logging the referrer information.

Help Card
 Top Search Engines Help

The first table identifies which search engines referred visitors to your site most often. Totals in this table represent the number of searches, whether they contain one or several keywords.

The second table identifies the main keywords for each search engine.

Help Card
 Top Search Phrases Help

The first table identifies search phrases which led the most visitors to your site, regardless of the search engine they used. The second table identifies, for each phrase, which search engines led visitors to the site.

Help Card
 Top Search Keywords Help

The first table identifies keywords which led the most visitors to the site (regardless of the search engine). The second table identifies, for each keyword, which search engines led visitors to the site.

[NetIQ Corporation]

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Analysis Suite v7.0b (Build 1452)
WebTrends is a registered trademark of NetIQ Corporation.  
Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Start of Chapter
Top Search Keywords - Help Card


Keywords - Specific keywords being analyzed. A keyword is a single word entered into a search engine.

Keywords Found - Number of visitors referred to your site with the specified keyword.

% - Percentage of visitors referred to your site with keywords who were referred by the keyword specified.


Engines - Specific search engine being analyzed in conjunction with the keyword in the adjacent column.

Keywords - The keyword being analyzed in conjunction with the search engine in the adjacent column. A keyword is a single word entered into a search engine.

Searches - Number of visitors referred to your site from the specified search engine who used the specified keyword in their search.

% - Percentage of visitors referred from search engines who used the specified search engine and keyword.

At the most basic level, this section tells you which search engines are being used most frequently to find your site. You also may find that some search engines are referring visitors to your site with the keywords you expect and that other search engines are not.

Top Search Keywords with Engines Detail
% of Total
lawsuit   Google   31 4.37%
Yahoo   10 1.41%
Microsoft Network   1 0.14%
abuse   Google   22 3.10%
Yahoo   7 0.98%
Microsoft Network   3 0.42%
AOL NetFind   2 0.28%
of   Google   16 2.25%
Yahoo   3 0.42%
AOL NetFind   1 0.14%
lawsuits   Google   12 1.69%
Yahoo   3 0.42%
AOL NetFind   1 0.14%
healthcare   Google   9 1.27%
Yahoo   2 0.28%
medical   Google   7 0.98%
Yahoo   3 0.42%
frivolous   Google   5 0.70%
Yahoo   5 0.70%
de   Google   10 1.41%
against   Google   8 1.12%
citizens   Google   7 0.98%
Yahoo   1 0.14%
gsm   Google   6 0.84%
Yahoo   1 0.14%
americas   Google   7 0.98%
phone   Microsoft Network   3 0.42%
Google   3 0.42%
AOL NetFind   1 0.14%
mobile   Microsoft Network   3 0.42%
Google   3 0.42%
AOL NetFind   1 0.14%
costs   Google   6 0.84%
liability   Google   5 0.70%
year   Google   5 0.70%
sick   Google   4 0.56%
AOL NetFind   1 0.14%
wireless   Google   4 0.56%
Yahoo   1 0.14%   Microsoft Network   3 0.42%
Google   2 0.28%

Top Search Keywords
Keywords found
% of Total
1 lawsuit 42 5.93%
2 abuse 34 4.80%
3 of 20 2.82%
4 lawsuits 16 2.25%
5 healthcare 11 1.55%
6 medical 10 1.41%
7 frivolous 10 1.41%
8 de 10 1.41%
9 against 8 1.12%
10 citizens 8 1.12%
11 gsm 7 0.98%
12 americas 7 0.98%
13 phone 7 0.98%
14 mobile 7 0.98%
15 costs 6 0.84%
16 liability 5 0.70%
17 year 5 0.70%
18 sick 5 0.70%
19 wireless 5 0.70%
20 5 0.70%
Total Found for the Keywords Above 228 32.20%
Total of Keywords Found in the Log File 708 100%

Start of Chapter
Top Search Phrases - Help Card


Phrases - The specific search phrases being analyzed. A search phrase is the entire text string entered into a search engine. It can be made up of one or more keywords.

Phrases Found - Number of visitors referred to your site who used the specified search phrase, regardless of the search engine they used.

% - Percentage of referred visitors who used the specified search phrase.


Engines - Specific search engine being analyzed in conjunction with the phrase in the adjacent column.

Phrases - The phrase being analyzed in conjunction with the search engine in the adjacent column. A search phrase is the entire text string entered into a search engine. It can be made up of one or more keywords.

Searches - Number of visitors referred to your site from the specified search engine who used the specified phrase in their search.

% - Percentage of visitors referred from search engines who used the specified search engine and phrase.

How are people getting to your site? Use these tables to find out if your visitors are using the search phrases you expect. Do you need to use different keywords in page titles to make it easier for people to find your site with search engines?

Top Search Phrases with Engines Detail
% of Total
1   Excite   35 14.58%
lawsuit abuse   Google   8 3.33%
Yahoo   2 0.83%
3g americas   Google   5 2.08%
citizens against lawsuit abuse san jose   Google   4 1.66%
frivolous lawsuit   Google   2 0.83%
Yahoo   1 0.41%
florida frivolous medical lawsuit   Yahoo   3 1.25%
sick of lawsuits   Google   3 1.25%
sickoflawsuits%2eorg   Microsoft Network   3 1.25%
tstt mobile phone   Microsoft Network   3 1.25%
tillinghast%2dtowers perrin medical liability study   Google   2 0.83%
legal foundation houston   AOL NetFind   2 0.83%
number of lawsuits per year   Google   2 0.83%
abuse of healthcare system   Yahoo   2 0.83%
citizens against lawsuit abuse   Google   2 0.83%
lawsuits per year   Google   2 0.83%
norplant lawsuit   Google   2 0.83%
stop lawsuit abuse   Google   2 0.83%
law suit abuse   Microsoft Network   2 0.83%
"do doctors practice defensive medicine"   Yahoo   2 0.83%
rossanna salazar   Google   2 0.83%

Top Search Phrases
Phrases found
% of Total
1 1 35 14.58%
2 lawsuit abuse 10 4.16%
3 3g americas 5 2.08%
4 citizens against lawsuit abuse san jose 4 1.66%
5 frivolous lawsuit 3 1.25%
6 florida frivolous medical lawsuit 3 1.25%
7 sick of lawsuits 3 1.25%
8 sickoflawsuits%2eorg 3 1.25%
9 tstt mobile phone 3 1.25%
10 tillinghast%2dtowers perrin medical liability study 2 0.83%
11 legal foundation houston 2 0.83%
12 number of lawsuits per year 2 0.83%
13 abuse of healthcare system 2 0.83%
14 citizens against lawsuit abuse 2 0.83%
15 lawsuits per year 2 0.83%
16 norplant lawsuit 2 0.83%
17 stop lawsuit abuse 2 0.83%
18 law suit abuse 2 0.83%
19 "do doctors practice defensive medicine" 2 0.83%
20 rossanna salazar 2 0.83%
Total Found for the Phrases Above 91 37.91%
Total of Phrases Found in the Log File 240 100%

Start of Chapter
Top Search Engines - Help Card


Engines - Specific search engine being analyzed.

Searches - Number of visitors referred to your site from the specified search engine.

% - Percentage of visitors referred from search engines who were referred by the search engine specified.


Engines - Specific search engine being analyzed in conjunction with the keyword in the adjacent column.

Keywords - The keyword being analyzed in conjunction with the search engine in the adjacent column. A keyword is a single word entered into a search engine.

Keywords Found - Number of visitors referred to your site from the specified search engine who used the specified keyword in their search.

Phrases - The phrase being analyzed in conjunction with the search engine in the adjacent column. A phrase is the entire text string entered into a search engine. It can be made up of one or more keywords.

Phrases Found - Number of visitors referred to your site from the specified search engine who used the specified phrase in their search.

Referrals - Number of visitors referred to your site from the specified search engine who used the specified keywords in their search.

% - Percentage of visitors referred from search engines who used the specified search engine and keyword or phrase.

This information can give you an idea how your meta-tags are performing with each search engine.

Top Search Engines with Keywords Detail
Keywords Found
% of Total
Google   lawsuit   31 12.91%
abuse   22 9.16%
of   16 6.66%
lawsuits   12 5.00%
de   10 4.16%
healthcare   9 3.75%
against   8 3.33%
americas   7 2.91%
medical   7 2.91%
citizens   7 2.91%
gsm   6 2.50%
costs   6 2.50%
3g   5 2.08%
frivolous   5 2.08%
year   5 2.08%
liability   5 2.08%
per   5 2.08%
san   4 1.66%
sick   4 1.66%
wireless   4 1.66%
Yahoo   lawsuit   10 4.16%
abuse   7 2.91%
frivolous   5 2.08%
florida   4 1.66%
of   3 1.25%
lawsuits   3 1.25%
medical   3 1.25%
logo   2 0.83%
on   2 0.83%
system   2 0.83%
healthcare   2 0.83%
medicine   2 0.83%
defensive   2 0.83%
motorola   2 0.83%
doctors   2 0.83%
in   2 0.83%
practice   2 0.83%
do   2 0.83%
physician   1 0.41%
insurers   1 0.41%
Microsoft Network   tstt   3 1.25%
abuse   3 1.25%
mobile   3 1.25%
phone   3 1.25%   3 1.25%
suit   2 0.83%
law   2 0.83%
perry   1 0.41%
telcel   1 0.41%
mexico   1 0.41%
2003   1 0.41%
tort   1 0.41%
asbestos   1 0.41%
lawsuit   1 0.41%
reform   1 0.41%   1 0.41%
june   1 0.41%
governor   1 0.41%
mitch   1 0.41%
tyner   1 0.41%
AOL NetFind   mode   2 0.83%
houston   2 0.83%
abuse   2 0.83%
legal   2 0.83%
foundation   2 0.83%
michael   1 0.41%   1 0.41%
actual   1 0.41%
injury   1 0.41%
federal   1 0.41%
pennsylvania   1 0.41%
in   1 0.41%
was   1 0.41%
bankston   1 0.41%
lawsuits   1 0.41%
propulsid   1 0.41%
payouts   1 0.41%
fear   1 0.41%   1 0.41%
civil   1 0.41%

Top Search Engines with Search Phrases Detail
Phrases Found
% of Total
Google   lawsuit abuse   8 3.33%
3g americas   5 2.08%
citizens against lawsuit abuse san jose   4 1.66%
sick of lawsuits   3 1.25%
antenas de transmissao de 15 a 23 ghz   2 0.83%
wcdma white paper   2 0.83%
mapa de las americas -mostrar   2 0.83%
lawsuits per year   2 0.83%
tillinghast%2dtowers perrin medical liability study   2 0.83%   2 0.83%
norplant lawsuit   2 0.83%
number of lawsuits per year   2 0.83%
citizens against lawsuit abuse   2 0.83%
cdma%2c tdma%2c y gsm   2 0.83%
class 12 egprs   2 0.83%
gait phone   2 0.83%
frivolous lawsuit   2 0.83%
rossanna salazar   2 0.83%
stop lawsuit abuse   2 0.83%
medical liability lawsuit number   1 0.41%
Yahoo   florida frivolous medical lawsuit   3 1.25%
logo motorola   2 0.83%
"do doctors practice defensive medicine"   2 0.83%
lawsuit abuse   2 0.83%
abuse of healthcare system   2 0.83%
"mitch tyner"   1 0.41%
frivolous lawsuit   1 0.41%
florida pharmaceutical lawsuits   1 0.41%
statistics wireless technology   1 0.41%
citizens lawsuit abuse   1 0.41%
physician insurers association of america   1 0.41%
lawsuits in the news   1 0.41%
pennsylvania lawsuit abuse civil justice reform act   1 0.41%
propulsid litigation%2c claiborne county%2c ms   1 0.41%
smoker devastated by fire lawsuit   1 0.41%
louisiana malicious prosecution victories   1 0.41%
tort base claims   1 0.41%
"cat scan contrast"   1 0.41%
quotes on frivolous lawsuits   1 0.41%
topics on lawsuit abuse   1 0.41%
Excite   1   35 14.58%
Microsoft Network   sickoflawsuits%2eorg   3 1.25%
tstt mobile phone   3 1.25%
law suit abuse   2 0.83%
marketing speeches   1 0.41%   1 0.41%
telcel mexico   1 0.41%
asbestos lawsuit abuse   1 0.41%
june 2003 governor perry tort reform   1 0.41%
mitch tyner   1 0.41%
AOL NetFind   legal foundation houston   2 0.83%
propulsid in payouts   1 0.41%
abuse groups   1 0.41%
"dual mode" and "tri mode"   1 0.41%
sick time abuse   1 0.41%   1 0.41%
mobile phone gait   1 0.41%
federal civil lawsuits pennsylvania   1 0.41%   1 0.41%
fear of litigation   1 0.41%
was michael bankston actual injury   1 0.41%

Top Search Engines
% of Total
1 Google 148 61.66%
2 Excite 35 14.58%
3 Yahoo 31 12.91%
4 Microsoft Network 14 5.83%
5 AOL NetFind 12 5.00%
Total of Searches for the Engines Above 240 100.00%
Total of Searches for the Log File 240 100%

Start of Chapter
Top Referring URLs - Help Card

URL - The full URL for the specific referring site being analyzed.

Visits - Number of visitors referred from the specified URL.

You can use this information to determine the sites that provide the most referrals to your site. This can help when considering the most effective ways to attract visitors. takeaction/ take_action_now_process.cfmhttp:// takeaction/take_action_now_2.cfmhttp://www.townhall.com id=289 takeaction/ take_action_now.cfm index.cfm popup_sendletter.cfm tellfriend/index.cfm takeaction/join.cfm?sectionId=7 redir.cfm?redirid=8 links/index.cfm?sectionId=3 stat/index.cfm?sectionId=12http://www.sickoflawsuits.org takeaction/join.cfm?sectionId= 7 news/index.cfm?sectionId=3 takeaction/take_action_now.cfm? [email protected]:// tellfriend/index.cfm? sectionId=8 tellfriend/index.cfm?sectionId=8 index.cfm takeaction/ take_action_now_process_2.cfmhttp:// tid=ucruaut fastfacts/index.cfm news/index.cfm?sectionId=2 stat/index.cfm?sectionId=12http:// links/index.cfm?sectionId=3 takeaction/take_action_now.cfm? [email protected]:// news/index.cfm?sectionId=2 takeaction/take_action_now.cfm? [email protected]:// press/index.cfm?sectionId=6 takeaction/take_action_now.cfm? [email protected]:// takeaction/take_action_now.cfm? [email protected]:// English/News_room/ publishedarticles/Gait_Opens_GSMTDMA.cfm takeaction/take_action_now.cfm? [email protected]:// takeaction/take_action_now.cfm? [email protected]:// citizens/ takeaction/take_action_now.cfm? [email protected]:// scripts/mail/mesg.mail?folder=INBOX& order=Newest&mview=a&m ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic& f=1&t=017450 takeaction/take_action_now.cfm? [email protected]:// takeaction/take_action_now.cfm? [email protected]:// takeaction/take_action_now.cfm? [email protected]:// takeaction/take_action_now.cfm? [email protected]:// whatsnew/
Top Referring URLs
Visits Sorted by this column
1 No Referrer 123,409
2 675
3 509
4 142
5 141
6 132
7 87
8 79
9 72
10 44
11 39
12 31
13 28
14 23
15 20
16 18
17 18
18 18
19 17
20 17
21 16
22 about:blank 15
23 13
24 12
25 12
26 12
27 11
28 10
29 10
30 10
31 9
32 9
33 8
34 8
35 7
36 7
37 7
38 7
39 7
40 7
41 7
42 7
43 7
44 7
45 7
46 6
47 6
48 6
49 6
50 6
Subtotal for the Referrers Above 125,781
Total for the Log File 137,196

Start of Chapter
Top Referring Sites - Help Card

Referring Site - A Web site which refers a visitor to your site by linking to it.

Site - Specific referring site being analyzed.

Visits - Number of times the specified site referred visitors to your site.

You can use this page to determine which sites are referring the most visitors to your site. This can help when considering the most effective ways and places to attract visitors.

Top Referring Sites
1 No Referrer 123,409
2 1,991
3 834
4 787
5 166
6 120
7 85
8 82
9 62
10 56
11 53
12 47
13 46
14 46
15 36
16 36
17 33
18 31
19 30
20 29
Subtotal for the Referring Sites Above 127,979
Total for the Log File 137,196